The Karate Kid part II (1986)

Hey Guys!Hope you had a fab weekend? 😀

Sky Greats HD has been showing the ‘Karate Kid’ I, II & III. I’m currently watching Karate Kid II directed by John G. Avildsen. It was written by Robert Mark Kamen.

While watching it, there was a part that struck me and I thought I’d share. The Karate Kid was telling his Sensei that he was basically tired of life and his Sensei replied saying: ‘when you tired of life go back to basic‘ as he said this, the Sensei put his hands together and for some reason it confused the Karate Kid for he thought his Sensei meant he should go back to praying. But his Sensei corrected him saying : ‘basic of life breathing‘, ‘breathe is life‘…


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You should watch it.. It’s interesting 😀